Tuesday, January 13, 2009



By Boomeryearbook.com

At one time or another everyone has had a nightmare. While more common in children, adults also experience these petrifying dreams. When they do occur, they are a terrifying experience. You know the feeling—you wake up in the middle of the night with your heart pounding and your mind racing. You are scared, but you may not know of what. Dreams tend to fade so fast from your memory and conscious mind that you may not even be aware of what just scared you half to death.



Do you have a strategy to deal with nightmares? Why not share it with other dreaming friends at Boomeryearbook?

Dr. Karen Turner, a clinical psychologist, has created a social network for baby boomers interested in meeting and connecting with generational peers. Boomer Yearbook focuses on joining boomers from around the world and providing us with fun, integrative and interactive features that can optimize our social and emotional wellness. In these days of increasing stress, it is vital to keep our brains active and alert. As a psychologist, Dr. Karen’s goal is to provide free challenging brain games, informational newsletters on life, and professional coaching, boomer relevant forums, the latest news on cosmetic surgery and skin enhancements, and health & wellness features that may maximize our learning and functioning.

So if you’re a baby boomer searching for people with similar time specific memories or maybe just a person who’s fond of staring at optical illusions, playing psychological games and pondering upon the mysteries of the human brain, Boomer Yearbook is the social network for you.

1 comment:

herroyalbleakness said...

Good help here, now I get it why kids shouldn't be allowed to see those sorts of "bad" movies/shows. What seems to be harmless for us may not be the case for the young ones.